All streets in Gosseldange

Gosseldange has 7 streets.
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About Kiel-Windeweer

Kiel-Windeweer is a beautiful village located in the province of Groningen in The Netherlands. It is situated along the Kielsterachterweg and is surrounded by picturesque countryside, making it a popular destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

The village has a rich history that dates back to the 17th century. It emerged as a small settlement around a fen that was drained to create farmland. Over the years, Kiel-Windeweer has developed into a vibrant community with a close-knit population.

One of the main attractions in Kiel-Windeweer is the Kielsterachterpolder, a nature reserve that offers visitors the chance to explore its diverse flora and fauna. The reserve is home to various bird species, such as herons and grebes, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. Additionally, the Kielstermeer, a nearby lake, provides opportunities for water activities like boating and fishing.

For those interested in history and culture, Kiel-Windeweer has several historic buildings and landmarks worth visiting. The picturesque windmill, De Zwaluw, is a prominent feature of the village and serves as a reminder of its agricultural heritage. Another notable site is the Kielsterachterkerk, a charming church that was built in the early 20th century and is known for its stunning stained glass windows.

Route de Mersch
Rue Bell
Rue Neuve
Route de Schoenfels
Rue des Forêts
Rue des Prés
Op der Knupp