All streets in Hilvarenbeek

Hilvarenbeek has 218 streets.
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Hilvarenbeek is a charming city located in the province of North Brabant in the southern part of The Netherlands. With a population of around 15,000 people, it offers a peaceful and picturesque environment for both residents and visitors.

One of the main attractions in Hilvarenbeek is the famous Safari Park Beekse Bergen. This unique park is home to various species of animals, including lions, elephants, giraffes, and zebras. Visitors can embark on a safari tour, either by bus, boat, or even by walking, to get a closer look at these magnificent creatures.

In addition to the Safari Park, Hilvarenbeek also boasts beautiful natural landscapes. The city is surrounded by green forests and meadows, making it an ideal place for hiking, cycling, or simply enjoying the tranquility of nature. The nearby nature reserves, such as De Utrecht and Gorp and Roovert, offer breathtaking views and wildlife encounters.

Hilvarenbeek is also known for its rich cultural heritage. The city center features historical buildings and monuments, such as the Saint Petrus Basilica, which dates back to the 15th century. There are also numerous festivals and events held throughout the year, including the annual Hilvarenbeek Fair, which showcases local traditions and crafts.