All streets in Kesteren

Kesteren has 123 streets.
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Kesteren is a small town located in the picturesque country of The Netherlands. Situated in the province of Gelderland, Kesteren is a charming destination that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.

One of the highlights of Kesteren is its rich history. The town dates back to the medieval times and is home to several historic buildings and landmarks. Visitors can explore the beautiful St. Lambertus Church, which was built in the 13th century and features stunning Gothic architecture.

In addition to its historical sites, Kesteren also boasts beautiful natural landscapes. The town is surrounded by lush green fields and picturesque countryside, making it a perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the River Rijn or explore the nearby forests and nature reserves.

For those interested in learning more about the local culture, Kesteren offers a variety of museums and cultural attractions. The Museum Het Fruitteeltmuseum is one such attraction, showcasing the region's rich fruit-growing heritage. Visitors can learn about the history of fruit cultivation and sample delicious local produce.