All streets in Oudenbosch

Oudenbosch has 208 streets.
View all streets below in the city Oudenbosch. Click on a street to see all the house numbers in this street. It is also possible to use the search box to find a specific street. All streets are in alphabetical order.

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Welcome to Oudenbosch!

Oudenbosch is a charming city located in the southern part of The Netherlands. Known for its beautiful architecture and rich history, this city is a great place to visit for both locals and tourists.

One of the main attractions in Oudenbosch is the Basilica of Saint Agatha. This stunning neo-gothic church was built in the 19th century and is a miniature replica of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Its intricate details and towering spires make it a must-see for anyone visiting the city.

In addition to its architectural beauty, Oudenbosch is also home to several museums that showcase the history and culture of the region. The Museum of Religious Art houses a collection of religious artifacts and paintings, while the Oudenbosch Museum provides an in-depth look at the city's history and development over the years.

For nature enthusiasts, Oudenbosch offers plenty of outdoor activities. The city is surrounded by picturesque countryside, providing ample opportunities for hiking and biking. The Oudenbosch Arboretum is a large botanical garden that features a wide variety of plants and trees, perfect for a leisurely stroll.